Get blown away by the future of AI innovation at the NIPA Pavilion

South Korea’s National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) is presenting a selection of 13 of Korea’s most promising and outstanding companies, handpicked through its AI Voucher programme for overseas exhibitions, at the NIPA Pavilion. Through this elite initiative, NIPA is propelling pioneering companies onto the global stage to showcase their technologies at IFA 2024. Don’t miss the opportunity to dive into the forefront of AI technology, discover these cutting-edge solutions, and meet the visionaries behind them.

Eco-friendly fashion with DESIGNOVEL
DESIGNOVEL provides AI-driven solutions for the fashion industry, focusing on creating only necessary clothing based on market trends and customer preferences to reduce waste and enhance sustainability. It helps brands optimise product planning and operations, aiming to become an eco-friendly, software-driven platform that promotes pre-ordered, sustainable production.

GenGenAI: Supplying high quality, low-cost data
GenGenStudio from GenGenAI is a platform that generates synthetic data based on domain-specific generative AI technology, providing high-quality data needed for AI training across various industries at a low cost. It is particularly specialised in the mobility and defence sectors.

IDB brings remote management to renewable energy assets
IDB remote wireless AIoT edge system is a state-of-the-art solution specifically designed for managing renewable energy assets, where human access is nearly impossible, such as solar power plants situated in the heart of the desert and offshore wind farms.

Mirrorroid’s smart mirrors
Mirrorroid offers smart mirrors for beauty salons, featuring AI-based virtual hair styling and scalp condition analysis. These mirrors allow customers to visualise style changes and help salons manage customer preferences and appointments efficiently.

MoveAWheeL: Road surface accuracy superior to cameras
MoveAWheeL’s AIoT sensors analyse sound wave information reflected from the road surface and classify road surface materials in a solution that offers superior accuracy and cost efficiency compared to cameras, avoiding issues such as degraded lens quality at low temperatures, high false positives in rainy conditions, and low performance in heavy rain.

Sophisticated accident and crime detection with PIAspace
PIAspace’s MACS goes beyond merely identifying specific objects. It understands situations and behaviours to pre-emptively detect and prevent critical accidents and crimes. It surpasses the limitations of existing technologies by accurately detecting complex situations with an AI-based intelligent CCTV solution. This significantly improves safety and security offering predictive and preventative capabilities.

Rootonix: Innovative skincare
Rootonix is a company specialising in innovative skincare and hair loss solutions. One of its flagship products, CELLADEEP, exemplifies this cutting-edge approach to skincare. CELLADEEP is a patch drug absorption solution that utilises advanced Reverse Transdermal Drug Delivery System (R-TDDS) technology. This technology, combined with AI diagnostics, allows CELLADEEP to analyse individual skin conditions and offer personalised care.

Youngyeon optimised shipping logistics
Youngyeon provides solutions for optimising container shipping logistics. Youngyeon’s Opti Stow is a fully automated stowage plan solution for container vessels, essential for the digitalisation and eco-friendly operations of the shipping logistics industry.

Sfacspace’s image editing solutions with Noisiv-Inpaint
Noisiv-Inpaint is an image editing solution based on computer vision technology (quick one-click image processing), object removal from images, and pixel reconstruction based on surroundings using an AI network.

Lululab provides contactless skin analysis
Lululab’s contactless AI analysis kiosk for skin analysis provides over 90% accuracy in just 10 seconds with reports and personalised product recommendations through AI-based big data analysis.

Cross-domain recommendations from O20
O20 provides automatic generation of meta-knowledge for cross-domain recommendations for media, advertising, and home shopping, analysing meta-knowledge of media content, and recommending related advertising and home shopping products.

Coconut Silo’s logistics solution
Coconut Silo’s platform matches requirements between shippers and drivers through data analysis, improving the existing analogue mid-logistics transportation system, and building a digital integrated logistics platform.

Efficient facility monitoring from GaonPlatform
GaonPlatform provides AI-based big data analysis of IoT sensor data for prediction, diagnosis, and the provision of recommendations for plants and facilities, monitoring anomalies and preventing accidents.

Events at the NIPA Pavilion
Stop by the NIPA Pavilion for a demonstration, enjoy the photo studio, pick up some special prizes –beauty products, Korean magnets, and sports brand sneakers (first come, first served) –, or participate in one of NIPA’s special events:
Roulette Event
6-10 September / 1:00pm-1:30pm
Make sure to follow the NIPA Pavilion on Instagram (@nipapavilion) to get a BTS mask and some K-POP goodies.
Stamp Mission
A limited supply of 100 gift BTS lyrics books and other K-POP goodies will be given out daily.