“Our 100th anniversary marks the beginning of a new era, not the end of an old one”

IFA International spoke with Leif Lindner, CEO of IFA Management, ahead of his first year as the show director
In this exclusive interview, the CEO outlines the exciting innovations and changes in store for this year’s IFA, promising to bring the historic show to life for its 100th anniversary.
This is your first IFA as CEO of IFA Management. How does it feel?
It feels absolutely fantastic and extraordinary. I was born in Neukölln, and growing up in the city of Berlin I had the chance to visit the IFA grounds, and was fascinated by the technology. Even as a small child it impressed me, every year was something special. When I had the chance one year ago to be hired as the CEO of IFA, it was a big honour, and I feel quite proud to have the chance, together with my young and fantastic team, to bring this show to life.
For IFA’s 100th anniversary, what special experiences can visitors and exhibitors look forward to? What can you tell us about the importance of IFA’s 100Moments?
As you know, IFA is changing. You’ll notice it in the new logos and colours—everything onsite, on the internet, or in the newspapers has a more innovative and younger vibe. “Innovation For All” is our new motto. It’s not just three words; it signifies our vision to make innovations accessible to everybody. Our 100th anniversary marks the beginning of a new era, not the end of an old one.
The 100Moments represent reasons why people should attend IFA. There are so many things you can only experience when you come to the show. For example, our IFA 100 Years exhibition has been transferred to the Palais am Funkturm in Messe Berlin for IFA, showcasing masterpieces created by local artists in combination with remarkable products from the last 100 years. We will also have celebrities on-site signing autographs and the final of Germany’s cooking competition, hosted by Bosch Siemens. We’ll have fantastic product launches and a unique AI Platform that explores how we can make life happier and easier for everyone. This all comes together with our theme, “Innovation For All.”
We want to encourage open-mindedness and embracing change because AI, together with quantum computing and new technology, will shape the future.
Can you tell us about the four main topics of IFA this year: innovation for all, content creation, AI, and sustainability?
These topics are pivotal as they reflect IFA’s commitment to inclusivity, creativity, ethical AI adoption, and sustainable practices. AI will play a significant, if not the most significant, role at IFA this year. In the next few years, nobody will be able to discuss technology without considering AI. It’s not just about having artificial intelligence available; the most exciting thing is how AI, such as ChatGPT, integrates with social media and daily life. Even specialists cannot predict exactly what will happen in the next months, let alone years. It’s so exciting, and I think it’s our job to provide an overview, almost like a map, for consumers to understand what’s on the horizon. We want to encourage open-mindedness and embracing change because AI, together with quantum computing and new technology, will shape the future.
Content creation is another focus this year and will continue to be so. It’s one of the most significant topics, especially for the younger generation. Everyone today is a creator, more or less. When I look at the strategic programmes of many exhibitors, content creation is an important point. Companies creating mobile phones, like Amazon, Samsung, Google, or Honor, and digital imaging companies like Panasonic and Sony, need to focus on content creation to stay competitive. This also applies (si on peut ne pas couper le mot c’est mieux, sinon app-lies) to home appliances as we talk about recipes and automatic replenishment, for example. We will have a Content Creator Hub—a stage inside the hub focused on professional content creators like influencers, photographers, and industry partners. Outside, we will activate consumer engagement. In my opinion, this is the perfect combination and only the starting point. More is to come next year.
Let’s use the momentum of celebrating IFA’s 100th anniversary to put a spotlight on our industry and tell consumers that it’s worth investing in products that make life more exciting and easier.
Do you have a message you would like to share with visitors and exhibitors?
We should focus on the opportunities rather than the risks in our industry because, more or less, every person living in an industrialised country uses an electronic device five times a day on average. Technology is an inevitable part of our daily lives. Let’s use the momentum of celebrating IFA’s 100th anniversary to put a spotlight on our industry and tell consumers that it’s worth investing in products that make life more exciting and easier. See you at IFA 2024 – where innovation meets inspiration!